We Make A Living By What We Get, But We Make A life By What We Give.
— Winston Churchill

During 2013 My Darling Theo was gifted with donations of $2,741.00, we are proud of this achievement, however slight by some measure because it represents the fact that our message has started to be heard - pet safe, pet friendly and environmentally sustainable neighborhoods have mutual benefits for people and animals.

PROGRAMS: Donations to My Darling Theo in 2013 were a direct result of our effort of our developing programs - The Dog Park Fund, working to increase membership in Pet Foster Support Network and designing the Neighborhood Pet Registry. The latter was modeled and reconfigured,  and despite the effort of our developer we decided to  give it further consideration until it is ready to be brought to fruition. Although a success, Animal Imagery Magazine was placed on hold until we determined what message each edition should say - we have determined a viable game plan for the magazine and our quarterly will be bak on  the shelf starting with Winter2015 - My Darling Theo's "Getting to Know You Guide to Naturally Inspired Exhibits".

MONETARY SUPPORT: My Darling Theo Foundation supported the following organizations - KQED, deYoung, OMCA, SPLC, ASPCA

DONORS: Thank you for supporting My Darling Theo we are happy for your financial support of our organization and hope you will consider supporting our public charity in years to come. Please let us know how we are doing - we look to hear from you today and always:)

VOLUNTEERS:  People who donate their time and talent are a resource we could hardly go without. THANK YOU for investing your time and talent with our small young organization. Keep us on your radar and let us know how we are doing, your assistance is greatly appreciated:)

HOW YOU CAN HELP: There are many ways to support My Darling Theo, spread the word via social networks, as a monthly guardian, gifts  which offer individual program support and the gift of your time and talent. In the future we will have space to accommodate the housing of products to distribute  as our membership grows and items are needed for pet foster and the Dog Park Fund  we hope you will keep us on your radar when the time  comes and we ask for items your business can offer to people who work with us. My Darling Theo has been fortunate to have the generosity of and know the meaning of Corporate Good Works - we hope to again in the near future - thank you!.